How to prevent baldness?
According to a study by the University of Pennsylvania he suggests that baldness is caused by the increase of a protein that develops in the scalp of men, which would help to develop effective treatments to reduce alopecia.
In research published in the journal Science Translational Medicine detailed than men in the hair follicles of balding men with high levels of the protein called prostaglandin D register, which inhibits hair growth.
Learn more about the alopecia
In the following video of our day program!, Cadenatres, Javier Ruiz dermatologist explains what alopecia and gives you some treatment options to prevent their presence in men and women.
Find out if you will suffer baldness!
Mayo Clinic specialists detailing some risk factors for developing baldness or alopecia are:
Family history. The risk increases when maternal and paternal family has suffered baldness. Even, Heritage influences the age at which hair falls, and the speed, form and degree of baldness.
Hair treatments. The excessive and inappropriate use of hair products such as dyes, irons and dryers.
Poor nutrition. The minimum intake of foods with iron and protein affects hair growth.
Thus, if you want to have healthy hair and prevent the presence of baldness, keep healthy habits and avoid making elaborate hairstyles or requiring milestones.
Further, go to a specialist when you consider that hair loss is excessive. Finally, stress management is a technical relationship with. And you, How you prevent hair loss?