They Escaped Death By The Second.

¿Alguna vez te has encontrado a ti mismo conduciendo por una carretera estrecha y sinuosa, with mountains to both sides and you think: “Esto tiene el potencial de ir muy, very Not good?"

Sé que nunca he conducido a través de las montañas sin preguntarme, at least once, que tan robusto son los acantilados desmenuzable a futuro son en realidad. Fortunately, most of the time, they are quite robust, and they are often propped up with networks or retaining walls.

That being said, at the end of the day, mother nature is always will have the last word, No matter how many security measures we put in place. We are talking about the impressive natural forces with the power to divide an iceberg in the Middle as if a Kit Kat bar .

Whether you see them as an act of divine intervention, or random natural events, It can be almost impossible to predict when something dramatic is about to happen in the world that surrounds us, as we have seen many times a dangerous and volatile volcano in Chile . Sometimes there is no reason – It is that the time has come.

That's basically what we see here, en esta increíble video pieza de material milagroso y veras fue capturado en 2013. Era un día lluvioso en Taiwán, y varios coches estaban progresando cuidadosamente a lo largo de un camino de acantilado en el campo.

At first, It seems that everyone would pass without any problem, then, se nota un par de piedras que ruedan por la pared del acantilado. Preste especial atención a lo que ocurre en 20 seconds – este hombre es o muy afortunado, or that you have a guardian angel seriously awesome.

Are you surprised by witnessing this alarming natural phenomenon in action? Then, please SHARES para difundir la palabra acerca de este espectacular cerca llamada del mas alla! At least makes you give thanks that these live.


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