If you are thinking of leaving this coffee, I could make you change your mind

This popular drink not only leaves you more alert but could also improve your health.

Are you one of those people who drink coffee every day? Or maybe you belong to the group of tea drinkers and those trying to leave behind the habit?

Good, You have a surprise: it may be that the benefits of coffee are many more than you think. While it is common knowledge that this warm and delightful drink is full of antioxidants and that taking a small amount I could wake up and increase your powers of concentration, the truth is that it seems that still did not know everything.

A new report published by the Cancer Research Fund found that your small cup of coffee (or your big bowl of coffee for those days most difficult) apparently it's magical because in addition to everything mentioned previously, could also lower the risk of liver cancer.


So Is that new coffee machine did not know whether to buy? The numbers are in your favor because coffee consumption may decrease the risk of developing liver cancer by 14%, a no smaller figure taking into account how quickly these types of diseases have developed today. As part of the ongoing research for the Ongoing Update Project, a research team from Imperial College London analyzed 34 existing global studies about how diet, The nutrition, physical activity and weight are related to the risk of getting cancer and overcoming the disease.


On the whole, studies were able to analyse about 8.2 millions of adults and 24.500 cases of liver cancer. Researchers are not sure why coffee might protect against the disease, but they have hypothesized that certain compounds in the brew may help fight toxins. "Both coffee and coffee extracts have also been shown to reduce the expression of genes involved in inflammatory processes, and the effects are more pronounced in the liver ", says report.

So now you know, When in doubt and do not know whether to say yes to that bubbly and delicious cup of coffee remember that your body will thank you.



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