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10 things you need to know about men

Believe it or not, men are not the only ones who do not understand women, the famous "l @ s who understand" is apparently a universal phrase, knowledge since for many, This phrase is often used by women when they are with their friends in the midst of a heated talk of boys.

So if you have more than once asked imparablemente, what happens to your partner or that guy you seem to like it today and tomorrow, quizá este artículo te sea de mucho interés. Aquí te presentamos las 10 main things that every woman should know about men, if you really want to understand:

1| Son emocionales.

According to a study by the University of Lund, has been 100% It found that men are totally emotional beings and even, things usually affect a greater extent than women, However, its strong and rough appearance, It is due solely to a mask covering the feelings not to feel vulnerable and therefore threatened. This is the real reason why the boys can not stand to see a woman mourn and say "I Love You" find it so hard.

2| If you do not feel like talking, does not mean that this annoying you.

Unlike women, men when they have problems do not need to count everybody, nor seek the advice of those around him, it simply analyzes the situation internally and make decisions, so if being with you stays quiet for a long time, It is not for you, It is simply processing information.

3| They are vulnerable to loneliness.

Have you noticed how difficult it is for a man to remain unmarried? The fact that a relationship with another man begins almost immediately from over the existing intimate relationship with a woman, it is not just that he is a heartless womanizer or the person who was not interested, simply, It is part of their nature. Men are highly vulnerable to loneliness, and simply accept it or not is an idea that terrifies them, why always looking to stay surrounded by friends, family, women, partners or whoever, but never alone.

4| Always seek solutions.

Although things seem less empathetic, men are always looking for solutions. A no guy likes to complicate your life, so when you are facing a serious difficulty or problem, your brain automatically reacts to find solutions.

5| You need to feel needed.

As you hear, this is also part of their manhood. According to various studies conducted by the University of California, EVERYONE men bring with them a kind of chip that feels the need to protect your partner, reason for which, no matter how independent a woman is, he always wants to know what she needs or require his help at any time.

6| They can not avoid seeing women.

Regardless of age, simply no man can avoid doing. Según Pranjal Mehta, Social psychologist at the University of Columbia, the large amount of testosterone in the body of men makes the region that controls impulses in the brain is able to master these reactions, we always ends up turning to see any woman, but quiet, this is not as serious, because I remain also found that immediately after looking, completely forgets that girl.

7| As they get older they become less competitive.

De acuerdo a Pranjal Mehta, as mature men, your brain begins to relax and competitiveness is slowly ceasing to be part of their priorities, since in this stage, they begin to focus more on the search for emotional stability.

8| When you love a woman suffers more than.

As impossible as it may seem, men suffer and take much more to recover from this blow to a woman. A man when he falls really, He does it with your heart and in some cases, forever. As we mentioned you in point #1, these are emotional beings and therefore, when they decide they do give your heart completely and without reservation, which leads them to suffer terrible heartbreak when the break comes, even, based on statistics, la mayoría de suicidios registrados han sido de hombres con serios problemas sentimentales.

9| They go crazy for the smile of a woman.

Something as simple makes them sigh. The sublime beauty of a woman's smile is undoubtedly, one of the things they love men.

10| They want to Marry

An investigation by The Royal Society, shows that the 90% of men over 30 years and focus primarily seeking to marry and raise a family, However, as women, that remains latent dream from an early age.



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