Elián González breaks 15 years of silence and says he wants to visit USA and open a Facebook account


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A Elián González would like to return to the United States, He said in an interview with the US network ABC News.

"Americans, first I say thank you for the love you gave me ", Elian said. "I want the opportunity to give my love to the Americans"

Gonzalez was found floating off the coast of Florida on 1999 after sinking the boat where he went with his mother. Gonzalez was with his uncle in Miami, but the child 6 years soon found himself at the center of a media war between Cuba and the United States over whether the United States or was returned to Cuba with his father.

Today, Gonzalez says he would like to go to the United States, but only as a tourist. He told the reporter that he would go to a ball game, visit the museums in Washington and speak with Americans.


The house where Elian Gonzalez

"I remember when the boat broke, when we fell into the sea. I remember when I got in the raft and my mother was covering me. I lifted her head, looking around ... And sometime i head up and never saw her again ", He said. "There was no one else. He was alone in the middle of the sea ... That's the last I remember. "

González recounted how his mother gave him a sleeping pill before leaving, to help with motion sickness.


And as said it does not agree with what she did, He mentioned the efforts of his mother to keep him afloat while she was drowning.

"I think if you're not here with me today, it is because she fought until the last minute for me to survive ", He said. "After giving his life for me, I think she was the one who saved me. She was the one who gave me life again in a moment of danger. "

Nowadays, González studied engineering. He also has a new woman in his life promised Ilianet His Seat, from 22 years. His high school sweetheart is studying for his degree in Chemical Biology.

His college roommate and ABC producers helped with his first "selfie", which he says Elian will be their profile picture when you have "enough Internet" to open a Facebook account.


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Interview Elian available ABC News
