如何緩解頭痛 3 分鐘按摩. [視頻]

的 “頸椎” 脖子上也被稱為是身體的最多的移動部分的你.

據估計,一個人移動他們的脖子 15,000 每一天.
它是由頸椎, vertebral discs and supported by muscles and ligaments.

Cervical spine are nerves that give sensibility and motor to the arms.
Around the 10% of the adult population suffers at some point in their life of neck pain and head aches. Up 90% of them experience some form of headache so intense that it reaches their eyes.

We bring you a fantastic massage that can relieve you from even your headache or neck pain.

Look at the photos of the auto massage and if you have time look at the video is only 3:48 分鐘.

來源: Fisioterapia a tu alcance / Youtube (spanish video)




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